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導演:【失樂園】導演 森田芳光

日本發生連續少女變態兇殺案,死狀淒慘人人自危,兇手卻為自己的惡行感到驕傲,常透過各種媒體引起騷動。某天公園裡又發現一名女子的斷腕及皮包,豆腐店老闆有馬認為這與孫女鞠子(伊東美? 飾)失蹤有關,同時犯罪心理學家浩一(中居正廣 飾)突然公開與此案相關的驚人內幕,一夜之間成為全日本最受矚目的人物;因丈夫深陷此案而開始展開調查的作家滋子(木村佳乃 飾),卻對於浩一的發表非常不以為然,在她的追訪之下兇手身份也逐漸曝光…

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R2-D2 Mailboxes Coming to Your Galaxy -- Tomorrow!
March 15, 2007


[ R2-D2 Mailboxes Coming to Your Galaxy -- Tomorrow! ]In neighborhoods and street corners not so far, far away, hundreds of official U.S. Postal Service blue collection boxes will be transformed tomorrow into look-alikes of Star Wars character R2-D2 to promote an exciting new adventure on which the Postal Service is embarking with Lucasfilm Ltd.

As the legion of Star Wars fans around the world first learned 30 years ago, R2-D2 is the feisty astromech droid who embodies the trust and dependability for which the Postal Service is so renowned.

"When you look at a mailbox, the resemblance to R2-D2 is too good to pass up," says Anita T. Bizzotto, USPS Chief Marketing Officer. "It's a little teaser for the upcoming announcement and we decided to have a little fun with it."

The R2-D2 collection boxes will temporarily replace boxes in highly visible locations across the country. Customers can, of course, drop mail into them just like any other of the 280,000 collection boxes, but there's a striking difference visually: Not only do the R2-D2 boxes look like the ever-popular Star Wars character, they feature the address of a website that gives clues about the real meaning behind this unprecedented promotion -- uspsjedimaster.com.

More details about the promotion will be announced March 28. Look for the R2-D2 mailbox near you... until then, "May the Force be with you."


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血鑽石 財富光影下述說殘酷不為人知的故事

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【 劇情簡介】

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Ce film fait partie de la Saga François Pignon
Année de production: 1997
Date de sortie: 15 Avril 1998
Réalisateur: Francis Veber
Acteurs: Thierry Lhermitte, Jacques Villeret, Francis Huster
Film français. Genre : Comédie
Durée: 1h 20min.

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